Spelman College Founded Mar27


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Spelman College Founded

Embracing Black History on March 27: Momentous Events and Inspiring Personalities

Black history is full of stories that exhibit dedication, courage, and determination. March 27 has seen several important events and inspiring personalities who have significantly shaped Black history. This article will shed light on some of these notable moments and the remarkable individuals who made them possible.

The Birth of Mariah Carey (1970)

On March 27, 1970, Mariah Carey, one of the most successful and influential musicians of all time, was born in Huntington, New York. As an African American and Irish American singer-songwriter, Carey’s powerful voice and extraordinary range have earned her numerous accolades, including five Grammy Awards. Her music has tackled love, race, and empowerment themes, making her an important figure in popular culture.

The Founding of Spelman College (1881)

Spelman College, the oldest historically Black college for women in the United States, was founded in Atlanta, Georgia on March 27, 1881. Originally named the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, Spelman College was established to provide higher education opportunities for African American women. Over the years, the institution has produced many accomplished graduates, including civil rights activists, politicians, artists, and academics.

The First African American to Receive a Doctorate in Geology (1955)

On March 27, 1955, Marguerite Williams became the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in geology. She earned her doctorate from Catholic University of America, paving the way for future generations of Black scientists. Dr. Williams’s groundbreaking research in geology and her work as a college professor made her a trailblazer in both academia and the field of earth sciences.


These events and personalities represent only a fraction of the significant moments in Black history that have occurred on March 27. By remembering and celebrating these milestones and the inspiring individuals behind them, we acknowledge the dedication, courage, and progress that continue to shape our society.


  1. Gasman, M. (2007). Envisioning Black Colleges: A History of the United Negro College Fund. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  2. Giddings, P. (1988). In Search of Sisterhood: Delta Sigma Theta and the Challenge of the Black Sorority Movement. New York: William Morrow & Co.
  3. Shapiro, M. (2001). Mariah Carey: The Unauthorized Biography. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin.
  4. Smith, J. Y. (2006). Notable Black American Women. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.