Muhammad Ali refuses...

[wp_ad_camp_1]  1967 – Heavyweight Boxing Champion Muhammad Ali refused induction into the United States Army on religious grounds. As a result, he was stripped of his Heavyweight title and was convicted of draft evasion and sentenced to five years in prison and given a $10,000.00...

Letter from Birmingh...

April 16 in Black History: The Triumphs and Tragedies of a Momentous Day Black history is a vital and rich component of American history. On April 16, several events of great importance have occurred, shaping the lives of African Americans and the nation as a whole. This article will explore...

Abraham Lincoln Assa...

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: A Turning Point in Black History on April 15, 1865 Introduction April 15, 1865, marks a dark day in American history, as President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. Lincoln’s untimely death had a profound...

Dr. Martin Luther Ki...

1913 – Blues legend Muddy Waters was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Born McKinley Morganfield he was a pioneer in the field of blues and had a profound impact on the history of rock and roll, influencing artists throughout the United States and in Britain, where many members of what...

Black Panther Party ...

Remembering Black History on March 28: Significant Milestones and Remarkable Figures Black history is filled with stories of achievement, perseverance, and progress. March 28 has witnessed a number of significant milestones and remarkable figures who have played crucial roles in shaping Black...

National Urban Leagu...

Honoring Black History on March 26: Unforgettable Moments and Influential Figures Black history is filled with the stories of brave individuals who have made indelible marks on our world. March 26 is a day that has seen a number of important events and influential figures make their mark in...